Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today, at my usual lunch session in SL, I met an old friend. Enry Landar. He's an interesting caracter. American, but studdies russian and swedish. What we share is an interest for languages, even if I wouldn't really choose russian as a favourite one.... anyway, we were chatting along using voice when he came to speak about another interest of his; chess. Now, chess has never interested me, but MUSIC does, so I couldn't resist the urge to sing one of the songs from the musical Chess. Anthem (about a russian chessplayer and how he can't leave his country). Enry quickly stopped me "nonono, in swedish!!! he said. (The writers of the musical are Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson, members of Abba that also made "Kristina från Duvemåla" and "Mamma Mia" among other things) So I found the swedish lyrics on the net and faught my voice through the song, and managed to come out on the other end unharmed! My voice has been through some changes lately and has been very unpredictable, but this time it pulled through! I managed to pick a good key too, obviously.

Anyway, that was really nice, and I hunger for more singing.... soooo if you feel like hearing me, just holla ;))


  1. Hello Puff .. soo nice to hear from yu .. and i feel allways happy to read about your adventures .. in RL and SL .. wonderfull time yu should share with yur friends .. .. Hopefully will read more and more from you .. and why not hearing you singing .. i long of your voice again and again ... You are the sort of people one should have once and ferver in ones's life .... see you soon .... . BE well :)

  2. You are really awesome, Puff.
    På svenska kanske? När livet är din andra, det finns mycket att kan du göra som är intressant. Jag tycker omkring öppnar en köp med schack säker i andra Sverige. Fast jag tror att min flickvän är inte så intresserad i den, så vad exakt kan man göra? Kanske jag skulle iallafall...Jag skrivar utan översätten! Pratar fortfarande med mig, fast din man gillar mig ej. Jag är bara din kompis. Och jag hoppas att han kan förstår.

    I am Enry Landar bitches! I mean...People!

  3. Enry you're so dramatic. hahahaha. BTW you draw funny conclusions of a man you haven't met ;)
