Saturday, May 9, 2009

Picture diary

Now a few random pictures from recent days will follow, with some explaining words undernieth. Very simple :)

The other day I met Troppe, or Tropheus Pearl as his name is, and I invited him over for a chat on the palm tree log. Haven't seen him in a while as RL caught him. I think he found me too boring and went back to RL again, LOL.

There's a RP sim called Kingom of sand. I have been there exploring a bit and find it interesting. Here I am playing the lute.

Amacci... you've heard me say it before. Amacci. Just on the steps to the entrance i found a poseball... who can resist?

When visiting Styxl just before his wedding, he shot this picture of me meditating in his orb...

another day I was TP'd to test a sim. And there they were, Luigi and Mario. So I put on my (Perun and Takaaki)mario lamp hat and sat down. They wanted to jump on the mushroom.... they were funny trying to mimic italian accents and everything. After they noticed i couldn't be jumepd on, we took a bath in their plumbing pool... or whatever, lol.

A friend sent me these pictures after she stumbled on a moving tree in second sweden. The tree talked to her and she noticed it had a name and everything! Cute avatar, don't you think?

And THIS, Ladies and Genltemen, is Aqua Betsen :D. A swedish neko man trying on a different style today..... hehehehe....

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