Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Funny pictures

Me, bafana and Artemisia in ctrl+shift+R

ctrl+alt+shift+1 gets rid off all unnessecary objects... like the flexy hair... leaves you with horns... and the floor.... and such...

Oh btw, I've been asked to manage the freebies at Africa Live! I'm so honoured... but I don't think they know what they asked, *evil laugh*...

Anyway, you should all come visit and get your african freebies! Or just sit down with me as I ponder how to make this place even better.
More pics of my new ;)

You can find some strange creatures at Africa Live! Like this cross between a peacock and man...

Finally he rezzed and out came the handsome man i know and love. Bafana Beaumont, you look better now ;)


  1. You wouldn´t like Kludden then :(

    /Apmel :))

  2. Supersnygg skin, Puff!
    Jag blir sugen på en egen....

  3. Street Dermatology, Kandinsky. Se tidigare inlägg ;)

  4. Puuf is back and im so happy ... why am i feelling so anyway? Missed her giggles a lot .. she says what ??? African wannabe ? huhuhuh AFRICAN SHE IS ... Caught hjer lastime into this skin ... taking her shower just beside the River .. We Love you a lot .. Puff .. Mmmuuuuaaaaaaaakkkkkkx .xxoxox .. Well Can't say more :(
    This blog is for e"veryone .. So let's say .. shhh....;:)
